Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Business Forum on Sustainability issue of Green Innovation

A forum was held after the keynote speech.  Dr. William Padolina was the moderator (and he did this very well.)  The panelists included:   Prof Nene Soriano of AGSB, Mr. Gerry Maglalang of Bureau of Standard of DTI, Mr. Donald Lim of McAnn, and Ms. Antonia Yulo Gonzaga of Manila Observatory.

The memorable points taken up:

l.  Who should take the initiative for Green Innovation - public or private?   Self policing by private or more regulations?

2.  The issue of whether to do it is pain (pain or pleasure is motivation for change according to Donald)

3.  Prof. Soriano said that pain is here and now;  battle for water will cause war, pollution is at all time high, and consumers demand green.

4.  DTI has been pursuing more energy efficient refs and airconditioners.

5.  Sustainability means, according to Donald, being able to do things repeatedly and be alive.

The forum is intended to clarify issues and difficulties surrounding green innovation

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