Friday, June 21, 2024

Integrity is your most important asset in business negotiation

It is about getting better...

In our conversation with a business colleague, a top bank executive, and business woman, we both agreed that integrity ie our ability  to keep our word is our most important asset to get customers and investors.  Not your collateral or your branding.  

And yet so many people destroy their future and their hope of being wealthy by constantly not keeping their word.   Honor your promises.  Do it now.   I will do it.   Walk the talk

Show results.  Show what you have done.  Get the results

Talking is not enough, honor your word.  

"Walang himala, Tayo ang gumagawa ng himala!"

It is about getting better...

We often attribute miracles ("himala") to the divine and supernatural.  But in this movie clip, the actress noted the real truth.  We are the miracles

As having been delegated by the Lord to take care of His creation in Genesis Chapter 1, we assume God like characteristics to gain dominion over this earth:

    1.  Bearing babies is miracle
    2.  Planting seeds, raising livestock is miracle
    3.  Our jobs are miracles:   baking bread, curing the sick, formulating medicines,  writing a memo
    4.  We alone, the humans can create miracle:  not animals, not the supposed supernaturals

Let us use to the health the powers bequeathed on us to create miracles


Forcefulness needed in determination and leadership

It is about getting better...

Former boss at Pepsi Enrico defined leadership as taking a point of view and expressing this forcefully.   Most of us think of goal setting as wishful thinking/hoping.  Nothing of that sorts happen.  Force and extreme emotion is needed.

How many times, have we found out that we almost made this, but we did not try hard enough.  
That is why hard work, hard work, hard work is needed to succeed.

Dont settle for less...

It is about getting better...

Always go 100%.  It cant be "puwede"  na.  The product or service must meet 100% of the customer needs and want.

You have to be a professional.  You have to give it 150%.   You have only a job and give it your best shot.  You pass this way only once.  Do the best you can.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Forgetting appointment - not a good way to project professionalism and reliability

It is about getting better...

We had an appointment this morning with an account executive this morning at 9 am.   We would be seeing him in a place some 40 km away.  We met him in an exhibit and we explored the possibility of plastic substitute to our concrete supply.  

We talked to  him two days ago while on a trip to Northern Luzon.

Just as we were taking our breakfast, I requested that a phone call be made to confirm our appointments.   Several calls and text were made and none were answered, even with a text.  

We decided to slide our appointments to a trip to a town 100 km away.  We would meet with our contractor who wanted to make something out of his 2.6 hectare property.

At 4 o clock we made a call which he finally answered saying he is sick.   I am not as interested anymore in the deal we are supposed to talk about since:   1.  We still have to get a govt approval.   2.  There is a huge price difference we have to negotiate on.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Challenging test/interview questions for candidates

It is about getting better...

It was reported that tests/interview questions for Google (or FB) are very challenging.  Tough and where you are really forced to think.  It is just like a movie where the bida has no escape, sure to die and suffer.  Or has been imprisoned all ready:

    1.  How do get out of prison?
    2.  How do you get out of your debt?
    3.  How do you clean up your previous record?
    4.  How do you keep your team together.?

Unless you candidate can squirm his/her way of the difficulties, he/she will always complain of the difficulty, will not have any other options, and can not think on the job.   He/she will not have a goal

Exiting from a business deal where the other party is impatient and immature

It is about getting better...

There was a project referred to us in resort town in Central Luzon   We were into it for almost a year.  Some difficulties were:     right of way, conversion since the land seemed to be irrigated.  The right of way which we wanted to have to make the project more impressive direct from the highway was not obtained.  We got secondary ROW that were crooked going to the barangay road, and which would cost us at least nearly 10 million.   Before proceeding any  further, we wanted NIA to clear the project for conversion.

However it was not easy.  And the other party who are mostly single 40ish  working for the BPO, OFW were not patient enough:   said in DM that the sharing was not OK and later a dare to forget it.

The opinion of our board and executive officers is that they are not ready for long term relationship and that we should agree to their challenge. 

One less project to worry about.

It is not just about the numbers that count.  It could have been a profitable JV.  But the comfort level with people you are going to work with

You really learn a lot from business deals and from people you meet