Friday, June 7, 2024

Forgetting appointment - not a good way to project professionalism and reliability

It is about getting better...

We had an appointment this morning with an account executive this morning at 9 am.   We would be seeing him in a place some 40 km away.  We met him in an exhibit and we explored the possibility of plastic substitute to our concrete supply.  

We talked to  him two days ago while on a trip to Northern Luzon.

Just as we were taking our breakfast, I requested that a phone call be made to confirm our appointments.   Several calls and text were made and none were answered, even with a text.  

We decided to slide our appointments to a trip to a town 100 km away.  We would meet with our contractor who wanted to make something out of his 2.6 hectare property.

At 4 o clock we made a call which he finally answered saying he is sick.   I am not as interested anymore in the deal we are supposed to talk about since:   1.  We still have to get a govt approval.   2.  There is a huge price difference we have to negotiate on.

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