Monday, May 27, 2024

Accepting reality - life is hard

It is about getting better...

Nothing in the world is easy.  Nothing in the world is free.  Do not expect a sugar coated world like Pollyana

Scott Peck outlined this in the book, "The Road Less Taken".  He outlined crimes and pathologies arising from the wrong belief that life is easy.  The Scriptures say taht from our sweat comes our daily bread.  Not from Manna in heaven

When there is an acceptance, no denial, we mature, and gain strength and resilience in facing the world, especially business challenges.   As they say in quotes, the challenges, the hardships are meant to make us tougher and more resilient _ we become better leaders and better business managers

Thus ,pantawid program destroys peoples initiative to work and survive.  My wife says that when our infants fell, they need it to learn how to stand on their own. Thus even birds push off their birdlings off the nest to learn how to fly and fend for themselves.

Unto each life, some rain must fall.,,,

"Ang laki sa layaw.... karaniwan ay hubad.... (kulang)

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