Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Too much treachery (and or lack of loyalty) (still about Billions) - trust no one

It is about getting better...

This has plagued many companies.  Axe struggled with this:

     His wife Lara was more interested in her $ and was planning to transfer to California when he was'

    Taylor put up her own company after Axe trained her as CIO when the former had a case,

    Rhoades went against boss Joc while still State Atty, and his staff Bryan stabbed him the back too

    Rebecca Canu went into deal with Taylor backstabbing Axe.  All the while Axe was buying shares for
    her including the supplier.   Axe countered by going into a deal with biggest lender to be a majority 
    stockholder to unseat Rebecca as CEO and sell her retail company (which unfortunately is losing,              bleeding a lot o money

   Thus Andrew Grove was right.   Only the paranoid survey.  Trust no one

    It has happened to me that two projects were taken away from beneath my feet by people
    I trust:  the EVP, the project engineer, my sister.

   My brothers and sisters to whom I dedicated my efforts to build the company removed me from the
   board (using a provision of the law that the Board can actually do that.) Unfortunately my brother who
   led the uprising has died

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