Monday, May 27, 2024

...It is your fault if you die poor

It is about getting better...

"It is not your fault if you were born poor...It is your fault if you die poor.

Truly we can not choose the family and situation we are born into.  Destiny must have something to do with that (which is cruel)  But it is going to be unfortunate when the outside world, where the "destiny" gets the better of you

You have improve yourself:   your skills your mindset and leave behind your past.     As a former supervisor who later became the EVP (the number 2 man in the large pharma company) enjoined us in a a a birthday party, it is primary duty to you and your company to IMPROVE YOURSELF

You have to learn.  When you earn, you increase your earning.  The world is moving fast and if you do not improve you will be left behind. The world is one big classroom.  It is the =University of Life  You will become obsolete.  Artificial intelligence is a big threat to humanity.  It now here 

No one no one can do that  except you1

What you have done lately to improve yourself?  What did you learn

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