Monday, May 27, 2024

Grit and determination - the stuff that champions and successful persons (and even heroes) are made of

It is about getting better...

Many authors and successful person summarize this in two words:   GRIT and DETERMINATION

Psychologists mention this, movie like the "The Chairman" a movie about Ray Kroc mention this.
The late Calvin Coolidge whose famous quote on determination has made it to the boardrooms and MBA classroom must be smiling in his grace.

This is the same stuff why we admire why we sympathize and empathize with heroes and heroines who overcome, solve challenges after one another in their adventures and stories.  How we wish we have the same strength and determination to overcome the same daily

That is why this post believe that teaching MBA alone with the technical stuff cant alone produce successful entrepreneurs and business leaders    They have to be build up grit and determination over time.  And harsh challenging business problems alone can teach them that.

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