No man is an island, even for the gunslinger entrepreneur.
Almost all entrepreneurial ventures are put up by teams. This the law of the big picture by John Maxwell. Nothing gets done successfully anymore by the Lone Ranger. You need an army, a battallion to win a battle.
The key words now are collaboration and cooperation. An entrepreneurial venture needs an innovator, an organizer and implementor (somebody who executes the ideas)
The Rennaissance man is not enough to be a successful entrepreneur
Teams now work.
Almost all entrepreneurial ventures are put up by teams. This the law of the big picture by John Maxwell. Nothing gets done successfully anymore by the Lone Ranger. You need an army, a battallion to win a battle.
The key words now are collaboration and cooperation. An entrepreneurial venture needs an innovator, an organizer and implementor (somebody who executes the ideas)
The Rennaissance man is not enough to be a successful entrepreneur
Teams now work.