Monday, May 27, 2024

Me me vs we - a great obstacle to progress and growth of community

It is about getting better...

This post would like to think that selfishness - too much emphasis on I me, are obstacles to being a community to being a nation,  and is a sin.

Graft we think stem from desire to get rich quickly for self and the family.  Selfishness methink is therefore a crime,  Same as selfishness.

Politics, power play, cruelty, etc comes from this innate desire to be better than the rest.

While our purpose in life is to find our gift (ie being selfish) the next step is to share this with others

Hence without being spiritual, and without having a sense of oneness with the world and rest of community, there could never be a graft free, war free community.  

What do you think?  Is the author correct in his hypothesis

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