Friday, September 13, 2024

It not enough that you are the best, you must be leader.

It is about getting better...

Thus Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, and who later became the US president Dwight Eishenhower enjoined the graduating cadets of Royal British Military Academy prior to the  invasion of Normandy.   

“You must know every single one of your men. It is not enough that you are the best soldier in that unit, that you are the strongest, the toughest, the most durable, the best equipped, technically—you must be their leader, their father, their mentor, even if you’re half their age. You must understand their problems. You must keep them out of trouble; if they get in trouble, you must be the one who goes to their rescue. That cultivation of human understanding between you and your men is the one part that you must yet master, and you must master it quickly.” –Eisenhower in a speech to the graduating cadets at the Royal British Military Academy, 1944

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