Sunday, September 16, 2012

Are you prepared for emergencies?

It is all about getting better.

From sold out after crisis

Are you prepared for emergencies like typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes?  I am sure that 9 out of ten, you are not.

That is why, when there is flooding, we are out immediately of basic supplies like flashlight batteries,or even potable water

It is a good idea to have a cupboard, or pantry full of ready to eat meals, water, basic medicine, flashlight, just in case. Early on, I read a book by Tobias on investing.  And he said the only stock you will have to invest on are stocks of basic necessities -  in this case during emergencies.

We may not be weird like survivalists group or preppies;  but we do not have to buy these 37 items in times of crisis. Would you know what they are?


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