Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are you from Malate or Paco?

Philippines   May 30 2013

I have emphasized the importance of being early among our staff:   early in work, appointments or meeting deadlines.  When opportunities come they come and you must grab them early.  When opportunity is gone, it is gone especially when others have early, taken the initiative and taken the chance away from you.

However, I get a lot of text messages from some of the staff:  "Sir malate po ako"  How come you are there.  (of course you know that they will be late for one thousand and one alibi) When you fail to be early you fail (you are not success.)  It is imperative that we remove the Republic of Malate from the map.

Also the neighboring district Paco.  Some staff need to be hammered, followed up to performance.  They are from Paco?

Are you from Malate

Or Paco.

Be sure you leave those districts

Saturday, May 18, 2013

5 ways bosses scare their subordinates

Repost from | May 16, 2013

Most employees are afraid of order givers and blamers. As a boss you should:

1. Avoid giving solutions;  you should ask for suggestions and solutions when your employee brings a problem to you.

2.  Avoid blame game, focus on actions, solutions and moving forward;

3.  Frame change in the right way.

4.  Focus on outcomes not problems

This is the only way to outperform out innovate, outhustle your competitors

Avoid scaring your employees

Cornerstone of great leadership

Repost from Open Forum | May 17, 2013

The article starts with a very nice quote from John Quincy Adams: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

The four cornerstone of leadership are:  (VICC)





Lay out on the table of what you think you are with words say not more than 20

The way to test is to ask people around you to describe you in terms of tagwords.  Match these to what you think you are.

Is there a gap

A CEOs tips for new grads and everybody else who wants to be a success

Repost from Management Fortune CNN |  May 14, 2013

DeLoitte CEO Joe Echevarria, a child of a single mom, a migrant from Puerto Rico and who faced plenty of obstacles in his career early on that graduates must strive to be a stand out to be hired an be a success:

l.   Exhibit a lot of passion in what you do;

2.  Mind your appearance

3.  Read a lot;

4.  Find a mentor

5.  Finish what you start.  Sound silly and basic?,,,