Monday, September 23, 2013

All colors and visual perceptions are sometimes unreal

It is about getting better...

From Nat Geo

Colors, sounds, and other things we sense are sometimes unreal.  They are affected by our past experiences.  The Brain Game feature that for example:

1.  Shadow  -  if you are lit with magenta; two shadows come out, one magenta and the other green.  There was no green spotlight;  why do we have the green shadow.;

2.  Shadows affect the color we see or the shade.   Depending on the shadow, the gray object will appear dark or grey depending on the shadow because of  our experience with shadow.

3. Objects appear larger or smaller in relation to the perception of horizon.  Thus the parallel lines that converge at a distance can make objects larger or bigger.'
4.  The outside world is actually bathed in white light.    The colors are results of perception

5.  We can actually jump into conclusion (akala ko?)

We must be aware of this influences as they affect our mindset, and our ability to be successful


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