Saturday, January 21, 2017

Observe Learn Observe (OLO) even at an old age we must continue learning

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines
January 21, 2017

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Image result for learning

I met the chairman of the largest memorial park group in the Philippines today.  They have 23 memorial park sites, 17 of which are operational (others are pending or have difficulties) and I remarked that no matter how many businesses or project you have completed, you will have problems and you must struggle with each of them, learning new things along the way.

He disdained people who have shallow understanding of their work and their business.  He said he met many people who claimed to be experts in the field but really have shallow understanding of the business.

When I mentioned the feature of the business, he remarked that old as he is (79 years old vs  my 65) he learns from me. and to which I said the same thing here.   We should be open to learn from each other from competitors and all people we meet.  To do otherwise is hubris and then we start growing old.l

He will never grow old, and the Lord will bless us with longer life because we help so many people have jobs and leave poverty behind, improve the bereavement industry and improve the way, people immortalize the memories of their loved ones.

Which reminded me of an entrepreneur from our place who despite his limited education established a hazardous waste disposal business, a resort, a restaurant, a scrap and recycling business from automobile factories.  He said that one of the key skills and abilities he has is his ability to learn quickly

There are many young graduates and trainees we have who do not and probably can not learn fast


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