Tuesday, August 6, 2024

How you perceive yourself to be can shape your future

It is about getting better...

They call this Psycho Cybernetics.  And this was introduced several decades ago while taking up my Masters

I think this is true.  What you strongly believe in, or what has been imprinted in your mind shapes your

Two events:
1.  When I was a teen my grandfather (Mothers side) use to remind me to take care of myself, because I could be a President (of the country or a company)   i did several years later 

2.  There was this Indian fortune teller who showed that she can guess the number written down on a piece of paper, showing the accuracy of his prediction  (It was revealed that there are tricks to this)   But he said 
I would cause prosperity in my family and the fortune that could be built would last several lifetime.
I am sure that this motivated me to parlay the family savings into several profitable real estate venture.  And that is through out the country.

Fortune telling works when you believe in it

What do you think?   Could admonitions advice strongly shape your destiny?

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