Monday, August 12, 2024

LIfe is an "arbor" says former colleague

It is about getting better...

While working in a pharma, I had an opportunity to work with a former city cop.  He said that life is a cycle of "arbor"  of giving and receiving.  Khalil Gibran has this much to say about that cycle -  we die when we stop giving and receiving.

In my life one of my missions was to give:   my knowledge and myself to the endeavor or venture.  However some people abuse that.  It is merely  receiving and taking.   

Some people ask your favor to give recommendation about the project and never appreciate nor are grateful.  Worse they want just to transact by phone or text.   Ayaw "tumanaw ng utang na loob"  This post clamp up on those cases and stop giving away knowledge for free

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