Tuesday, March 18, 2025

This post eleced to invest in real estate rather than educ plan for children's education

It is about getting better...

This post opted for investment in real estate rather than educ plan and did not regret this, for children's education.   At that time CAP was the in thing and many were selling me educ plan.   The most popular was headed by a batchmate in college -  Sobrepena.

It was more convenient and safer for me to manage my own assets.  My RE could appreciate, and I had option to sell or borrow from banks when the time comes  I was right in my decision.

Tuition and other school fees shot through the roof during Cory's time and many plans folded up.  (Just look at the OIC list -  they have only 8 surviving plan company out of hundreds at that time)

Did I make the right decision?  Can we right all the time?

Sunday, March 16, 2025

We all live to uplift others; in the service of humanity

It is about getting better...

It was reported that there was a reunion sponsored by the eldest of my now deceased brother.  I was univited and thus did not attend.

The sponsor threw some bad unpalatable words to this quarter and does not deserve my respect.   As it usually happens in a clan where communication can get distorted.    However I tried my best to uplift the family economically and unfortunately this effort was not recognized. Without that effort, no such reunions are not feasible.  

God bless.  We all live in the service in the upliftment of others

Being steadfast and strong in the midst of uncertainity

It is about getting better...

Certain instability can persist in the minds of many airsing from:

     1.  2025 elections and its related violence
     2.  SD impeachment
     3.  Arrest of DU30
     4.  Abroad Ukraine and Gaza Israel conflict

Many will worry, overthink and spill their career and their ambition to the streets.  Its time to be steradfast and strong and prove that what is within is stronger what lies outside us:   the economy, the society and external forces

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Staff preferred to go on vacation rather than tackle the deal of hundreds of thousands of pesos of rewards

It is about getting better...

There was a supposed meeting for the presentation of marketing plans yesterday.   It was postponed because:   many did not prepare, one was not present she was on leave.  So I joined a group that went to their SBUs to determeine if they liked the deal or they know the proposed deal.

The question to the subordiantes were:

1.  Do they know the deal?
2.  Which is more valuable;   the vacation leave, or the huge reward.  They said they prefer the latter.
      They could not determine what is on the mind of the more senior officer regarding her value system

It beats me too...?!