Repost from Smartblog | by Young Entrepreneur Council | July 24, 2013
Some habits can really hold you back from a becoming a leader.
What are some of them?
l. Use of cellphone. It can be distraction. Once you eliminate texting, or games, you can do more productive things.
2. Micromanaging;
3. Being a perfectionist;
4, Crowdsourcing a decision (consulting everyone; one employee who was ordered to be on duty on a Sunday because of marketing work said she needs to be consulted?)
5. Being shy;
6. Doing smaller task
7. Watching tv; read more >>>
I agree a lot that cellphone ( texting always ) can really be a distraction for you to become productive, it can be of great disturbance as you consume so much time in texting and a lot more. And instead of finishing and accomplishing the tasks that was given and assigned to you, you have diverted your precious time to " not-that-important" thing that would definitely hamper you from doing something bigger and much more important things.