Sunday, December 5, 2021

How to memorize remember anything

It is about getting better...

Our brain is magnificent.  It is more powerful than any single computer in this earth.     It has a Terabyte capacity.   It learns much faster than any AI or supercomputer.  A child learns to walk in 11 to 12 months.  The Honda robot learned to walk after a decade and at a great cost.

Having a powerful brain distinguishes us from animals.  But many of us due to the law of atrophy seldom use the brain to its potential.   We hardly remember things and we use all forms of assistance, notebook, secretary, PDA, cell phone.   If certain personalities like Ernie Barno, Ric Tierro can remember the contents of the encyclopedia so can we.

Remembering more needs:

1.  Your desire and passion to increase memory capacity
2.  Practice.  Just like in sports.  You need to exercise the brain to absorb more  content.   

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Business Matters - Negligence and insubordination can result in being jailed.

To :   Madel

cc:   Veron Ap

Subject:   Being Meticulous and diligent in our work to prevent harming other individuals

Goal:   1.  To reduce penalties
            2.  To promote high level of excellence in the job, ie diligence

Back ground :   This post spent one night in jail due to the negligence of the staff ie not remitting or nor furnishing reports to SSS of S3 (the schedular credits of the remittance)

In Oton and HGGMP there were previous cases of checks being made and unpaid.  


1.  Practice diligence in govt payments

2.  Ask for explanation from Abiog Celajes, Anarie, and Castro for this negligence

3.  AP must:

    1.  Have a checklist of ap for govt and see if all govt liabilities are paid
    2.   Check the payment float -  ie if there are or for the payments made
    3.  Do not allow me to be jailed again   

This post again signed several check running to hundreds of thousands due to non remittance at 

Business matters - Value of time; our greatest resource

To :    All 

Subject Value of time


    1.  To stop delays and dilly dallying with regards to action and decision making
    2.   To get more things done in 24 hours  (Henry Sy said that all of us are given 24 hours a day; no more or less, As to whether we get rich or poor depends on us


   1.  Our greatest resource is not money or manpower, it is TIME
   2.  Hence time is GOLD;  TIME LOST IS GONE FOREVER
   3.  Time is the fourth dimension (the three others are X Y Z )

        No less than Alexander Great said this


  1.  Plan your day, have a work schedule
  2.  Plan not more than 5 tasks a day, be determined to complete all of them
  3.  Determine your success rate:  5/5   4/5   3/5;   Strive for 100%
  4.  Focus, avoid distractions
  5.  Determine the value of your tasks, learn to determine the value of each of your activity

      1.  Is the task going to save the company money?  Is it going to increase the revenue. ?

      If they are not,:
          1.  Dont do it now, do it later
          2.  Delegate the task or outsource this

          Many are known CMOs at that to engage in messengerial task with the MV, driver et al.   The CMOs are better off selling.   These kind of wastes 
          abound all around.   

       2.   Place peso (petot) value on what you do   Are you worth P100.00/hour on what you do?   If not, learn to increase that value

      3.  What are high value added activities:

             1.  Selling;
             2.  Spending time with the customer, finding out what he she need want;
             3.  Solving customer problem;
             4.  Making laying out an ad; posting this at FB
             5.  Making a system to make things faster, and easier for the customer

      All others are TIMWOOD, waste MUDA

    4   FAR  (attention focus management)

Business Matters - Talking to the Old Self - Continuous Self Improvement

To   :All

Business Bit -  Talking to the Old Self -  Continuous Self Improvement

1.   What is your greatest responsibility as a worker/organization man?

     Many answers will be given, but your greatest responsibility is self improvement.  It cant
     be implementing orders, transmittal of orders, or just leading people.  It has to start from
     within.  Leadership and management are nothing more than exhibition of self implement
     results.   Even in marketing.   People buy if you improve yourself.

2.  When you improve yourself, you improve people and environment around you.

3.  You have to better than before, than yesterday. 

    Plants, animals children grow.   Have you stopped growing

4.  Self improvement is an important philosophical and theological mandate.

      God commanded us in Genesis to be in charge of his creation.  To be the Good Shephard
       But you cant do that unless you have scaled up your skills and knowledge.

       We self improve for the greater glory of God.  Ad Majorem Dei Gloria

5.  What are the areas of SI:

     1.  Physical  -  through exercise
     2.  Mental -    through learning and reading
     3.  Emotional -   dealing with hardships and challenges and being strentthened by
           the experience.

Talking to your old self.   

       You can only do this if there is a continuous self improvement

        If there is continuous self improvement, there is less or no need for meetings, trainings
etc.  Things will run smoothly because the head and the staff are improving selves


To:     All 


There could be no happiness unless there is a gratitude .  There is a TV religious program that promotes gratitude.

1.  What is gratitude?

      It is acceptance.  It the acknowledgement of the blessings you received and being conttented.


2   How it is shown?
    1.  By thanking Lord in our prayers;
    2.  By being happy and content with the blessings
    3.  For good things and bad;  by learning from the bad things we experienced.  
    4.  By offering our blessings, and pains, the past and the future
    5.  Jesus in the Last Supper, knowing that there would be somebody who will sell him out to the Jews did not mention this and instead ".broke the bread, ... gave thanks and
          said "Do this in memory of me..." He did not mention about Judas and Peter about to disown Him

3.  How it is not shown?

   1.  By being unhappy with our lot;  by desiring things we do not have;  by being covetous and envious

    2.  By questioning and even angry with God.  

3.   What to do

    1.  If you thank the Lord, you will no longer covet more things  nor question Him or even make Him an ATM God
    2.  Work hard to be a blessing to others.  You ate today because you are to feed others.
    3.  Be a blessing to others;  or make yourself through which the blessing will flow;
    4.  PAY FORWARD. Thank Lord for your life and the things the blessings you have enjoyed. and pay this forward.   

        That is the best way to show gratitude for your blessings.


To:     All


This is a call to action, WTDN, proactivity and reactivity

1.   What this means?

       When there is a problem, you solve it, You do not watch problems happen, You act on this.  You offer solutions

       When there is a fire you put his out,;   when the boat is sinking you bail out the water that floods the hole.  
       When there is a flood or typhoon, you go to safe places

       When you bring a problem to your boss, have options on how to solve the problem.  For all you know he has about a dozen other problems to solve
        Your offering solution means that:   1.  You are maturing as a worker, you know your job.  2.  You can be trusted   3.  You have increased your value
        as a worker.   Buck passing, blaming others would not increase your stock

2.   When there is a problem offer a solution

      Entrepreneurs make money by offering solution to problems of people.  Thus during the pandemic, many people saw opportunities on 1.  money transfer
     2.  pasabuy, 3 home food delivery  4.  on line shopping,  5. face shield and face masks    6.  tests  6,  plantitas

      Those who did not:   are probably starving, or businesses have closed.  

      The world does not wait on those who procrastinate, or do not act.

      ACT.  Action starts with action

Business Matters - Learning and Leadership

To :    All

Subject: Leadership and Learning

These were taken up during TOES at 3f

1.  Definition of terms

    Leadership is getting ahead of others;   It is taking a point of view and taking a forceful action.  Here courage and determination is needed

2.  Learning
    1.   Learning occurs when there is
        1.  Sunnao   -  openness to new ideas and change
        2.  Listening
    2.   What you teach yourself -  not what the book says, or what the trainor says.  
            No learning occurs when your mind is closed;
            The purpose of education is replace a closed mind with an open one.  
    3.  Learning occurs during a communication process:

               S                   ---->   R   could be two fold:    1.  Action     2.  Learning

    4.  There has to be a metric in learning process;  hence we give grades.   And we measure this via grades or achievement test, because we value
          learning,    We measure what we treasure""

   3.  Learning rewards and punishment

        Rewards are given to those who learn, and negative reinforcements to those who do not

        As in Pavlovian conditioning experiments, behaviors are interconnected with signals, and associations reenforced via rewards -  like food.  Training dogs,
        pigeons, and dolphins and shows occur because of rewards that reenforce desired behavior

        The rewards in training in corporate setting are:    compliments, promotions, and higher salary

4.  Learning and leadership

      There are certain types of leaders who need superior knowledge to advance:    philosophers, theologians, priests, academicians; sages.  

       Even political leaders need knowledge:   political savvy, knowledge of politicas, power and authority, laws in order to succeed;   warrior leaders
       need superior knowledge of combat, wars and strategy


      1.  As what business leaders and entrepreneur, READ ONE BOOK A DAY;   as what our HR requires, read one book a month;

           A book a month keeps ignorance and poverty away.  Invest in your body and mind.   Eat good food and read good books related to your career

    2.  Engage in lifelong learning.  Your daily life is your classroom learn from it.  That is why we have university of life and lifelong learning programs/degree

         Your learning does not stop at the university.  It has just begun.  That is why they call this commencement rites (the graduation in the university)

    3.   Learn equally from experiences, especially the bad.  They are right, God gives you problems to make you stronger and skillful and navigating life
           They help you mature faster.   Stop blaming God for your problems.  Many problems are created by fellow human beings including yourself.   

   4.  Have a journal where you list down your learning.  This is one of the greatest legacy of high school days.  To maintain a journal or notebook where 
         you list down your learning.  You cant depend on your memory to remember all these things.   

    5.  Practice your memory.  Read read.  Your mind deteriorates from non use.  Hence elderly develops dementia and /or Alzheimers disease

The more you think, the more you become human; our brain differentiates us from animals

To      All


1. Having a bigger brain distinguishes us from the rest of the animal kingdom
    That advantage enabled us to:

   1.  Talk making communications and learning easier and faster
   2.  Make tools discoveries and breakthroughs in production and gadgets
   3.   Overcome predators, enemies and  natural disasters..

2.  The permutations of the brain runs into Trillion pathways and therefore
      our ability to remember things is endless,   Anybody can be just
      like Ernie Baron to remember the contents of the encyclopedia

3.  Our brain can remember movements like walking.  It cost Honda at least
     a $100 million to make a robot wak and 10 years.  It costs practically nothing 
     and only 10 years to make a robot walk.  Not just facts.

     Your brain is more potent and powerful than the memory of the CP or laptop
      Use this to the fullest potential 

4.  The less we use our brain because we have pdas or cp, the more it is put
      into disuse and atrophy (it becomes less sharp)  The more you use your
      brain the more you become human

5.   Thus practice this by:
      1.  Reading
      2.  Solving puzzles/problem
      3.  Remembering names and CP number.   
      Thus is one of the cures for Dementia and/or Alzheimer

6.  Practice critical thinking:

     1.  Ask why at least 5 times to learn from problems
     2.  Open your mind to possibility
     3.   Accept the systems principle -  either the ito, or the inputs, throughput,
           output, purpose, environment, human aid, supervision as the model
    4.  Make numbers talk:    as to trend, direction and magnitude
    5.  Avoid the herd mentality;  they said, and therefore I think that way too. 

REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT A KINDERGARDEN STUDENT   Somehow you must mature and learn to think on your own, especially about your job if you are gainfully employed.   


Business Matters - Small Holes Sink a ship

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jorge Saguinsin <>
Date: Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Business Matters  - Small Holes Sink a ship

To:       All

Subject:   Business bit -  Small Holes sink a ship

Truly small holes sink a ship.   Holes that you do not see but are plenty, sink a ship.  Not the big ones.  Because the big ones are visible, surely many will see them
and thus prevent the ship from leaving port, or is given top priority among the work.  But the small ones are neglected:

     Related thoughts:

    1.  God is in the details;
    2.  Those who can not be trusted in small things can not be trusted in big things;
    3.   PDCA -  Check check check
    4.  Gemba kaizen -   the actual battle field in business is the sales office or the manufacturing plant.   This should be visited by the boss
          and observed carefully.  It is not enough to depend on written reports
    5.  Small losses add up, ,small cost reduction add up over the years and in the entire enterprise.  Nothing is ever to small not to deserve your attention:
    6.  Be careful of your thoughts, they become your words, your words become your action
    7.  "For want of a nail,  (horse)shoe was lost, for want of a shoe, a horse was lost, for want of a horse the soldier was lost, for want of a soldier an army
          was lost, for want of an army a kingdom was lost
    8.    In writing the presence or absence of a comma can change the thought of a sentence
    9.  Some children are born defective or have serious congenital diseases because of defective gnome sequencing of a chromoome

   1.  The Fukushima reactor had a meltdown, because a cooling pump failed to function because the battery was grounded by the flooding; the same thing happened
         in nuclear accident in Chernobyl Russia.   A worker failed to turn on the valve for cooling after a test was conducted.  Imagine a high tech equipment failing because
         of a negligent worker, and a valve that was left open
   2.  The roro that sank of Batangas bay and somewhere in Belgium, sank because the ramp was not closed;
   3.  The JAL plane which cost Boeing nearly half a billion was caused by worker failing to install 7 rivets, just 7 rivets. He forgot about this because he had
   4.  In my experience, there was a formwork failure and an entire batch of concrete needed to pour on a slab was wasted;  it was good nobody was hurt
         because of same negligence - the formworks carpenter failed to secure the formwork by pounding a coupe of 5 inches nail.
   5.  In the movie Crimson Tide, a nuclear world war could have started had the order to torpedo a Russian sub was carried out, despite an incomplete communication
        Denzel Washington averted this, because he had the sense to disobey Gene Hackman the captain, unless the complete message was received

   1.   Employ the 5H and 1W in your repertoire when making a plan of action;
   2.    Ask the question why five times;
   3.    Read the literature on the subject before proceeding;
   4.    Be meticulous before any action;  avoid shooting from the hips
   5.    Learn from your mistakes.  


Ill gotten

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

A cousin whom I learned is into buying and selling real estate walked with me on the way to the office and interested me into taking a look at several properties:   a hotel,  property near the mall, and one besides a fast food cum dialysis, and art gallery.

The prices are pretty awesome and I asked who owned this.  She said these are owned by a DepEd employee who is close to Napoles.   

Ahh I thought the owner was honorable and admireable as an entrepreneur.   She  was even said to own an aggregates plant in Rodriguez.

So much for the admiration and possible deal.   If the  long tentacles of the law learns of source of money to acquire these properties, these may be sequestered.   

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Business bit - Small holes sink a ship

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

Subject:   Business bit -  Small Holes sink a ship

Truly small holes sink a ship.   Holes that you do not see but are plenty, sink a ship.  Not the big ones.  Because the big ones are visible, surely many will see them
and thus prevent the ship from leaving port, or is given top priority among the work.  But the small ones are neglected:

     Related thoughts:

    1.  God is in the details;
    2.  Those who can not be trusted in small things can not be trusted in big things;
    3.   PDCA -  Check check check
    4.  Gemba kaizen -   the actual battle field in business is the sales office or the manufacturing plant.   This should be visited by the boss
          and observed carefully.  It is not enough to depend on written reports
    5.  Small losses add up, ,small cost reduction add up over the years and in the entire enterprise.  Nothing is ever to small not to deserve your attention:
    6.  Be careful of your thoughts, they become your words, your words become your action
    7.  "For want of a nail,  (horse)shoe was lost, for want of a shoe, a horse was lost, for want of a horse the soldier was lost, for want of a soldier an army
          was lost, for want of an army a kingdom was lost
    8.    In writing the presence or absence of a comma can change the thought of a sentence
    9.  Some children are born defective or have serious congenital diseases because of defective gnome sequencing of a chromoome

   1.  The Fukushima reactor had a meltdown, because a cooling pump failed to function because the battery wras grounded by the flooding; the same thing happened
         in nuclear accident in Chernobyl Russia.   A worker failed to turn on the valve for cooling after a test was conducted.  Imagine a high tech equipment failing because
         of a negligent worker, and a valve that was left open
   2.  The roro that sank of Batangas bay and somewhere in Belgium, sank because the ramp was not closed;
   3.  The JAL plane which cost Boeing nearly half a billion was caused by worker failing to install 7 rivets, just 7 rivets. He forgot about this because he had
   4.  In my experience, there was a formwork failure and an entire batch of concrete needed to pour on a slab was wasted;  it was good nobody was hurt
         because of same negligence - the formworks carpenter failed to secure the formwork by pounding a coupe of 5 inches nail.
   5.  In the movie Crimson Tide, a nuclear world war could have started had the order to torpedo a Russian sub was carried out, despite an incomplete communication
        Denzel Washington averted this, because he had the sense to disobey Gene Hackman the captain, unless the complete message was received

   1.   Employ the 5H and 1W in your repertoire when making a plan of action;
   2.    Ask the question why five times;
   3.    Read the literature on the subject before proceeding;
   4.    Be meticulous before any action;  avoid shooting from the hips
   5.    Learn from your mistakes.  


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Discipline is everything - not motivation (you must tell your self to do things you do not want doing)

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

Why only 2% of the population succeed - by Denzel Washington

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

Opening prayer for meetings and seminars

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

Jeff Bezos on being distinctive - in his address as he leaves his CEO post,; distinctive as a business strategy.

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

Jeff Bezos, probably the world's richest man (he alternates with Elon Musk depending of the price of their stocks) mentioned distinctiveness as he stepped down as CEO of Amazon

The world wants to make you ordinary:  the public the competitors, every one wants to level you down and  make you ordinary.  Especially at death, you are reduced to your elements to be become ordianary.

But Bezos says we must fight that tendency and be distinctive  (not different)  Most businesses are copy cats, me too products, one that follows the leader.   A true entrepreneurial business is unique, is different - by being set aside from the competitors and one that truly meets the needs and wants of the company.

This is a sound business strategy.  Most business schools in their case study method, encourages you to look at example of every one.   And be like one.

One of the teachings in the Breakthrough Thinking by Hibino is  uniqueness.  Each market, business environment is UNIQUE and what was successful in other companies cant be correct nor applicable to a unique business situation

This is being discussed in The "Purple Cow"by Seith Godin a marketing guru"   How to transform your business by being remarkable.     See also 

So do not fall into the trap of finding out what business are trending, because when you enter into the trending business, in most probability that business is overcrowded, because just like you many have joined the herd.

You wont make it if you are in the habit of benchmarking (well operationally you must do that)   Musk advocates starting from basic principles and proceed from there

There are many ways to be distinctive:

      1.   The biggest
      2.   The smallest
      3.    The fastest
      4.   The tastiest
      5.   The best process
      6.   Sturdiest

Steve Jobs has a word for it -  "make a dent in the universe"

Ina-upload: 998875 sa 2874039 (na) byte ang na-upload.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

500 billionaires minted during pandemic year, thats one billionaire every 17 hours; how come we aren't yet

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippines

                                 Prathap Reddy became one because his hospitals focused on covid19

500 joined Forbes list of new billionaires. The most number and at the time of pandemic at that.  

How come we are not yet a billionaire.   We are now seniors

Most of the billionaires came from China, then USA and third was Germany.  84% were self made billionaire.  Some became billionaire from vaping products.

When will be billionaires (at least in PhP)?


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Gratitude for our blessings so that we become blessing to others

It is about getting better...

Rizal Philippine

I watched a TV program that was about an Evangelist,  who was expounding gratitude for our blessings.  

He mentioned about 10 sick persons who were treated by the Lord, and out of the 10 and only one thanked the Lord.

Hence he mentioned that we should be grateful for the blessings we have received:

     1.     The life that we are enjoying
     2.    The 11000 liters of free air we breathe
     3.    The good and bad things we encounter in our life
     4.    The past present and futre
     5.    "Lord I offer my life to you"   - the joys the aches and the pain

In the last supper hours before the Lord was to be crucified He thanked despite the fact that He was in the room of disciples who would abandon Him later;  the room included Judas who betrayed Him.  Yet he offered thanks.

Do we thank the  Lord in the midst of adversity?   Are we grateful for the life we had no matter how challenging?

We can only have happiness and progress in life if we are grateful... Gratitude will see us through.

If we are grateful for our blessing, then we can move on to be a blessing a gift to others.