Saturday, December 29, 2012

The most important thing you can do in life...

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From: Matrix Shift <>
Date: Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 4:28 AM
Subject: The most important thing you can do in life...

Hi Jorge,
Happy Christmas!! <3
I hope it's been a wonderful love and joy-filled experience however you have celebrated!
I'm having a very different Christmas experience to my usual UK one on an island off the coast of Mexico (Isla Mujeres)! A blessing to be here.

Something came to mind to share with you on this occasion.
I met a lovely man called Don Miguel Ruiz, author of "The Four Agreements", in Chichen Itza recently during my stay there over the Solstice period. I'll share more about my experiences there another time.

"The most important thing you can do in life is enjoy yourself" were the last words of a very touching talk he also gave - one that focussed on 'being the change you want to see in the world'.

Not long after hearing those words on my way to dinner someone synchronistically came up and introduced themselves to me as "Mr Fun".
He had been calling himself that for 10 years since setting up his company that organises fun events. It made me chuckle.
There were so many synchronicities at Chichen Itza the moments that were unusual were those that weren't synchronistic!

At Christmas time and New Year with all the celebrations, we give ourselves more permission to really enjoy ourselves and life more fully, to connect more to others, to laugh, love, let go and have fun.

How often do you give yourself permission to enjoy yourself, life and others at other times?

How much do you create the space for fun and enjoyment on a daily or weekly basis?

What gets in the way of that, mentally, emotionally or practically?

How can you experience more fun and enjoyment in your life?

If you don't enjoy the journey, changes are you won't enjoy the destination, start having fun NOW!

Enjoyment nourishes you and all around you. Play is essential for children, yet also such a gift and healer for adults. Having fun isone of the greatest experiences in life, and I believe a big part of why we are here, if we allow it.

Be sure to play to make your day, sparkles with joy so your heart says yay!

There can be resistance to joy, to happiness, to fun, crazy as that may sound, which I'll cover more in a piece I'm sharing on resistance soon.

I've certainly had blocks to fun in my life and repressed joy. I remember getting a massage some years ago. Sometimes a massage can release repressed emotions stored in the body, and what came up for me on this occasion was a huge amount of repressed joy. I couldn't stop laughing! I'd done a lot with releasing the constricting stuff, and hadn't realised how much joy I had repressed over the years.

Relish the enJOYment of these days, and may they be fuel and light to warm you as you enter the year ahead.

Write a Joy-List of all that brings you joy, and let that be inspiration and as much a part of any goals and visions you hold for 2013.

With much love,

Aine Belton

Below are Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements from his book:

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