Monday, July 15, 2024

Come early for a business appointment - be a professional and high value person

It is about getting better...

I had an appointment yesterday at 8:00 am.  I biked to the appointed place and started biking before 7:00 just to be at the appointment on or before time.  And early did I come.  I arrived at 7:30 and promptly texted the other person.   And responded at 8:00 am that he was OTW (on the way -  was just leaving)
He arrived at 8:20.   And later found out that he missed call me twice.    (To kill time I had to continue my biking up and down the hills)

In no uncertain terms, I made it clear that this was not welcome.  I mentioned what my father reminded me that especially for real estate transaction you can not be late.  Do not be late.  That is why, in the office we emphasize coming to work 30 minutes before time.

In running the financial firms, we do not give credit to those who cant keep up with the timeline.  Paying your loan on time is same as coming to your appointment on time

In a training with BSP, the trainor called me out, for being late.  I live 27 km from the BSP and there was lot of traffic along the way.  So what I did, I left at 4:30 am.  I arrived at 7:00 am at BSP.   There are solutions.  

What do you think?

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