Monday, July 29, 2024

"Pag gusto may paraan, pag ayaw maraming dahilan" - if there is a will there is a way

It is about getting better...

A proposed deal went south and the hopes were zero.  Nothing.   It was this state for a couple of months.   However rather than sulk over this various measures were thought of:

       1.   Mortgage the property to get some funding
       2.   Endorse the project to a new developer cum funder

So the arranger opted for no 2.   They got a contractor and funder.   The funder agreed last Friday to provide 10 big 8 numbers.   We had all the documents and some of the procedures all sewed up.  

Its an example of Peter Thiel's "From Zero to One"   Before it nothing.  Penniless, It was nada, nothing.  Now we are thinking of construction projects, marketing, commissions, designs, timelines, personnel, jobs.

Really if you persist, continue, are determined, there can be projects.  There can be miracles

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