Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck

It is about getting better...

The reality is that life is hard.   We often practice denial or running away from this.

The book teaches responsibility.   You must accept responsibility.   It does not happen in instant, easy society.  

Oftentimes, some psychiatric problems and crimes happen because of denial, because or escape from reality -  life is hard.  Stealing is resorted to because one does not want to work hard;  one murders because it is hard to understand the other person.   So with psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia, catatonia are body's defense vs difficulties in life

Thus we lie as a defense.  

Dale Carnegie mentions that criminals seldom admit to their crimes.   A person can not degrade himself.

Thus the mandate is for us to work hard, even harder.   Just to survive and exist.  

Are we escaping reality?   Are we guilty of Scott Peck's thesis

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