Wednesday, July 3, 2024

There could be no love of God without love of country

It is about getting better...

Love of God manifests first in love of country.  There could be no love of God without love of country.  However we as a leading Christian country in South East Asia certainly lacks patriotism, love of country that is typical of Japanese or Koreans.

We leave our Philippine jobs, because they are pay less for better jobs abroad    But Philippines is the land of our birth and we studied in its free elementary high school (and even college) for our talents to be harvested by foreigners.   And then when we come back we criticize our fellow men for their shortcomings.  Its better we worked hard at it making our country a better place to live in.

We, they are selfish and we work only for our own self interest..  ITS FOR HIGHER SALARY.

We have been led to believe that OFWs who leave the country prop up the country with their remittances.  We must remember that despite being so called heroes, they do not pay their taxes here, and they went abroad not for the country's welfare, but themselves, for selfish purposes. 

It would have been better if we work harder in our own country and solve the problems first.   We cant afford brain drain. 

But we have to thank them for propping up the economy and helping their families.  

There is much social cost we have pay for the OFW -  drug addicts, teen age pregnancy plus more problems for loss of  jobs.     

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