Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Leadership principles from Superbowl

From Time by Dave Seidman | February 1, 2013

The Superbowl just held captured the imagination of the world, because the coashes of the Raven and the 49ers are brothers:   Jim Harbaugh of 49ers, and  John for the Ravens.  The brothers come from a family of coaches (this supports the idea that leaders have leadership genes from  a UK research)

The sports arena see a lot of changes:  games and plays of opponents can be studied and unless the players can have the initiative to improvise, then the team is doomed.

Thus the coaching game has changed.  Here are new lessons:

l.  Principles are to be written in stone and unchanging,  but methods can.

2.  Treat family and team as one;

3.  Abolish one way conversation;

4.  Inspire others to gain significance.


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