Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Most Powerful Affirmations

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From: Mind Movies <>
Date: Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 12:38 AM
Subject: 10 Most Powerful Affirmations

Did you know that visualization isn't just for
LOA buffs like you or I, but is also used
extensively by world famous athletes?!

Michael Phelps is the perfect example.

He's not only the most decorated Olympian
in history, he's one of the most talked about
athletes in the world...

And he publicly attributes much of his success
to visualization.

Phelps claims to have learned the power of
"mind training" from his coach Bob Bowman
when he was only 7 years old. Every night
before he goes to sleep, Phelps has said he
watches a "mental videotape" of himself
swimming the perfect race, so he's 100%
prepared for the real thing.

So after watching the Olympics this week and
learning how so many athletes got there using
visualization, I was inspired to share with you
10 of my favorite, most effective affirmations,
so you can magnify the power of your visualization
to achieve what you want most in life!

Here goes...

1) I am successful
2) My life is filled with abundance
3) Every cell in my body vibrates with energy
and health
4) I am worthy of love
5) I easily manifest my dreams
6) I am calm and relaxed in every situation
7) I can achieve anything I desire
8) My potential is limitless
9) I achieve my goals effortlessly
10) I radiate love and happiness..

Now…I've got a question for you. Are you up for
a challenge?

Over the weekend I encourage you to apply one
(or more!) of these affirmations to your goals.

And if you have an affirmation you want to share
with the Mind Movies community, please do so
right here on our Facebook page.

Have a great weekend,

Mind Movies

P.S. If you know someone who would enjoy this
message I encourage you to share it with them :)

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Jorge U. Saguinsin

"Be the best, do your best, expect the best"


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