Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I can do it exercise

I was inspired by Mr. Silverio who owns GCC to do this in every entrep subject I handle.

Entrepreneurship involves doing something , creating the product, manufacturing, and selling the same, rather than just talking or planning about this.

The exercise involves penetrating a potato  with a soft bendable plastic straw. (through and through).  I have to buy potatoes and straw for this....

Some can penetrate quickly in just under two minute, some take longer.


l.  It takes focus to do this task;

2.  You need concentration and determination.

3.  You have to devise various strategies to finish the task:   find weakest area of the potato, or the thinnest side,

4.  There is no single way to accomplish the task.

5.  If at first you do not succeed, try again....


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