Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Writing 16 word sales letter that works by Evaldo Albuquerque

It is about getting better...

We should have known this earlier.  But this has been written lately by Evaldo Albuquerque who works at Agora Financial and sold over $80 million financiala products.

Maybe this is similar ot the AIDA ads designed for FB.  Since most prospects are in a hurry and always scrolls their cp, they have no time nor patience to read long write ups.

The most important part of this letter writing is:
1.  Know and align with the mission.  Without the mission, you could not wirte a good copy;
2.  Before and after
3.  What prevented you from having this solution
4.  What is the pain/gain offered by the product

I hope this works for you.

A CV of employee from CBDs does not guarantee skills and competence

It is about getting better...

This post has an opportunity to work with a graduate of  Makati CBD job mill.  However as this post observe his technical and executive skills, I found them to be lacking.  Especially executive skills,  When I ask him for making a choice and recommending the best one, he could not.

I requested for a ____ plan which he submitted fast.  But devoid of research and on the ground data.   How could  that be a passable  ____ plan.  A plan has to be based on solid data and facts  Evidence based decision making   Just winging it?

So HR ladies and gentlemen, from whence an employee come from does not indicate excellence.  Probe, interview some more

There is a lot of egging on and lectures which I hope can push him to move up.  Of the 3 or 4 projects deal assigned to him, his score was 0.  And he was a graduate of a top PHL university

What is your purpose in life?

It is about getting better...

Myron Golden, a preacher, businessman, motivator, sales trainer says that it is the intersection of your passion and competence.

As is indicated in the scriptures and other religious books, our purpose in life is to find our gifts and use that gift in the service of others.   We live to GIVE.

Our purpose in life is to serve others;  to make others wealthy and rich first.   When we do that we can eventually be rich.

The law of the tide.  When the tide raises other boats, our boats too rise.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything will come unto you.

You are the wealth, the riches on this earth: not the money in the bank, the cars, the houses and condos

It is about getting better...

True wealth is not the money in the bank, condos, cars, houses and jewelry.

You are the true wealth:   your character (integrity, people's trust in you)  your skills and competence.
That is what you should cultivate and pass on to your sons and daughters.

Money vanish and precious metals rust and disappear.  Fires can eat and destroy houses.  But your personaliity:   no one can takek them from you.  Develop this, nurture this.  Improve every day.

This very special unique day has been created by the Lord for you.

It is about getting better...

This is in the scripture;  this is recited especially on Easter.  It is in the scriptures.  Truly this day is special for you and created like no other.

It is time for you: 
1.   To be truly you;
2.   To be happy;
3.   To have a new start and retake whatever losses you 
4.   To be a better you, to be better than before
5.    To heal your ache and sorrow
6.   To learn from your mistakes and lessons yesterday.

Its time to be blessed today and receive the gifts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Some basic principles on self development and becoming rich/wealthy

It is about getting better...

You really cant stop improving reading:  These are principles learned that should help me better, and lift me up at being 73 years old:

1.  Wealth is not equal to money.  Money rots and can be robbed or taken away.  The real wealth is in you. Investments should primarily be made in yourself:  books, seminars, conference, travel.

2. Money is a tool;   money is not an end in itself.  Money isi used to:   build project, hire people, improve yourself, help others who are in need.

3.  Plant seeds of prosperity.  You sow what you reap.  If you did not invest you do not get anything.

4.  We are in charge of the earth and universe.  The universe was created for you. The asteroids comets fell on the earth to deliver water and oxygen to make the earth livable for man.  The universe willl grant to you more than what the genie can give you 3 wishes only.   

5.  God gave you power and dominion on earth.  Thus men can really do things what his mind aspire for.

6.  Mind is powerful and all things that improved on this earth came from the mind.  Thus mind must be nurtured and developed to be more powerful.  To absorb and remember things, to do logical and critical thinking, to imagine and create.

7.  We are created to be of service to others; to make this world a better place

8.  We can prosper if we make others prosper;  We can only get rich if we make others rich.

9.  By default everything has been done for you.  All you need is to be ready for the opportunities and have your abilities ready for it.

10.  Opportunities favor the prepared (those who trained for it)

11.  Find your purpose.   It is the intersection of passion and abilties.

12.  It is easier to pursue jobs and tasks that are in accordance with above two.

13.  Some business principles:

     Ikea effect.   There are not rejects in Ikea product because the customer contributed his labor.   Many projects will prosper if the team is involved and contributes.

     Workshops, table discussions work in seminars.  

14.  Reframing

        in negative way;
        in a manner that is understandble to the receiver 


15.  Story telling works

16.  Mimemtic works   We copy what others are doing.  Treding.  If we could trend or post something viral

17.  Clarity.  Strive for clarity in ads, communication, and purpose

18.  Law of tide  =  When tide rises, the rest of the boat rises.  If we lift others, we lift ourselves. 

19.  Selling business is not merely for us.  It is for others.  Without remembering this, we never build a big business

20.  You can not scale time.  Earn money so that you can build time

21   Your income is comensurate to value of time you designate.  Thus if if you devote more time to sales, rather than messengerial work, then you can be wealthy.

22.  What you value as priority is seen in your:   bank account and calendar.

23.  We listen to words but what we see better are actions and results.

24.  Study how to ask the proper question before you get the right answer

25/  Be resourceful

26.  Have bigger and more intesnse ownership.

27.  Be extremely dissatisfied.

28.  Be scared to fail.

29.  There is no place to go except to succeed

30.  Learning or blessing.   (A bad event, a failure)

31   Thinkin in systems.    Causes of problems are not linear are not simple but ares in interaction of inputs, throgrough puts, human aid, catalyst, environment, purpose and outputs.

       Related knowledge:      Breaktrhough Thinking by Hibino and 5th discipline by  Peter Senge.   

If you are interested in more coaching materials from this post.  Gmail:    profjorge.entrep@gmail com, Dm jorgeus george.  or text +63 908 928 78888

Cure to equalize leg length of polio victim - what the story means to us

It is about getting better...

Myron Golden tells of story about how at an early age he contracted polio.  Naturally he could not walk well because of this difficulty in his anatomy.  He was offered a procedure to equalize the length of his leg.

The procedure consist of :  cutting the tibia in the middle, the fibula at distal end (two cuts),  attaching screw, and having extender screws outside the lenth to pull the bones outward.

The procedure would take 30 days, by adjusting the screw to pull the bone pieces outward 1/2 turn EVERY DAY.

It was painful.

What this story means to us:

1.  To change is painful.

2.  To get from here to there, especially if your outcomes are dismal, you need a different kind of process, or cure.   To do the same thing again expecting different result in INSANE (Albert Einstein)

3.  In order ot change, it takes thirty days.

4.  You need to do it DAILY

5.  Small increments count (1/2 turn every day

If you are interested in more coaching materials  power pont, coaching, seminars.  from this post.  Gmail:    profjorge.entrep@gmail com, Dm jorgeus george.    Text +63 908 928 78888

Wealth is not equal to money (PHP) wealth is in you. You are the wealth: not the check, the houses or cars.

It is about getting better...

People have mistaken that money, cars, belongings are the wealth and riches.

But the real riches and wealth are in you or are in you.

It is our duty and destiny to contribute to the wealth of this world,  It is wrong to only get ayuda and blessings from this earth, without contributing anything.  

Our contribution to society depend on what we use in our jobs. 

         Faculty                                                Job                                Conribution Wealth Created

         Brain                                  CEO, entrepreneur                      P5 million up

         Brain mouth                      communicator:   marketing
                                                   copy writer, blogger, influencer   P1 million to P5 million

         Muscle brain                    Unifier, Manager Supervisor        P500k to P1,000,000

         Muscle                             worker, waiter, janitor                  P300k to P500K

Wealth creation is spiritual   It is in accordance with the Bible